Monday, October 31, 2016
Micro Ingredients Pure Grape Seed Extract Powder, 95% Proanthocyanidins, 50 grams
I like the quality. Mixes into my protein shake very well tThe powder is a bit bitter but works well in smoothies and not too well in straight water. If you study this supplement - you might find it beneficial to take long term - however you should cycle on and off with this stuff. It can thin your blood but that may be very good for some people. I suggest looking grape seed up at WebMD - and learning about it before taking it blindly. It is high quality. This is a great product. Secure packaging. Easy to open and close. I am more energetic after 2 weeks of daily consumption. The grape seed extract gives me a lift as well as a good addition to my anti-oxidant program. I will continue to come back to supplements for all the benefits. I received this product for testing purposes. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. [[ASIN:B01JNNAGEY Micro Ingredients Pure Grape Seed Extract Powder, 95% Proanthocyanidins, 50 grams]] #50ggrapeseed
The following is a list of the many diverse benefits of grape seed extract (GSE). Abstracted from MEDLINE (GreenMedInfo):
1. Garlic and grape seed supplement use are inversely associated with hematological malignancies.
2. GSE reduces blood pressure, a cardiovascular risk marker.
3. A GSE reduces the inflammatory response and oxidative stress in patients with systemic sclerosis.
4. A multi-nutrient mixture of soy extract, fish protein polysaccharides, extracts from white tea, grape seed, and tomato, vitamins C and E as well as zinc and chamomile extract improves signs of skin aging in postmenopausal women.
5. GSE significantly improved markers of inflammation and glycemia and a sole marker of oxidative stress in obese Type 2 diabetic subjects at high risk of cardiovascular events over a 4-week period, which suggests it may have a therapeutic role in decreasing cardiovascular risk.
6. Grape seed procyanidin decreases plasma levels of triglycerides.
7. Niacin-bound chromium and GSE can decrease total cholesterol and LDL levels significantly.
8. Aged garlic extract and grape seed proanthocyanidin protect against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity.
9. Chronic consumption of a moderate dose of grape seed proanthocyanidin extract can correct an energy imbalance in a situation of diet-induced obesity, thereby improving the mitochondrial function and thermogenic capacity.
10. GSE prevents age-related oxidative protein damages in the central system of rats.
11. Dietary feeding of GSE prevents intestinal tumorigenesis in mice.
12. Grape pomace extract suppresses postprandial hyperglycemia in diabetic mice.
13. GSE attenuates silica-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats.
14. GSE exhibits preventive and/or therapeutic potential in an animal model of Alzheimer's Disease.
15. GSE has a protective role against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity and genotoxicity in albino mice.
16. GSE has a rejuvenating effect in the central nervous system of aged rats.
17. GSE has a therapeutic effect on oxidation-associated nerve damage in diabetic rats.
18. GSE has bactericidal effects on MRSA.
19. GSE inhibits advanced human prostate tumor growth and angiogenesis and reduces insulin-like growth factor activity.
20. GSE inhibits in vitro and in vivo growth of human colorectal carcinoma cells.
21. GSE prevents acetaminophen-induced cell death in the mouse liver.
22. GSE prevents gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity and genotoxicity in bone marrow cells of mice.
23. GSE protects against cisplatin-induced oxidative stress in rats.
24. GSE supplementation prevents high-fructose diet-induced insulin resistance in rats by improving insulin and adiponectin signaling pathways.
25. GSE, black seed extract, and curcumin ameliorate tamoxifen-induced liver injury.
26. GSEs reduce oxidative stress associated with cardiovascular disease in diabetic rats.
27. Grape seed proanthocyanidin inhibits advanced glycation end products in diabetic rats.
28. Grape seed proanthocyanidins have antithrombotic effects in a rat model of deep vein thrombosis.
29. Grape seed proanthocyanidins are superior to metformin to promote insulin signaling in rats fed high-calorie diet.
30. Grape seed exhibits neuroprotective properties against excitotoxicity associated neuronal injury.
31. GSE ameliorates the glycation-induced cardiac damage.
32. Grape seed inhibits aromatase activity in an animal model of mammary cancer.
33. Grape seed proanthocyanidins lower serum uric acid levels, indicating its usefulness for the treatment of gout.
34. Marjoram volatile oil and grape seed extract attenuate alcohol toxicity in male rats.
35. Oral grape seed extract prevents selenite-induced oxidative stress in experimental cataract.
36. Proanthocyanidin from grape seed reduces kidney dysfunction.
38. A grape seed extract rich in proanthocyanidins achieves direct and indirect (i.e. cell-mediated) protection of LDL against oxidation.
39. GSE, Bitter melon extract, NAC, and other natural antioxidants counteract drug-induced oxidative stress and resultant cell death.
40. Grape seed and its natural polyphenol extracts are capable of removing cationic dyes from water.
41. GSE and the conventional cytotoxic agent doxorubicin have a synergistic effect on human breast cancer cells.
42. GSE attenuates oxidative stress induced by periodontopathogens.
43. GSE down-regulates HIV-1 entry in normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
44. GSE has therapeutic value in the treatment of human prostate cancer.
45. GSE induces apoptosis in human leukemia cells.
46. GSE remineralizes artificial root caries in vitro.
47. GSE triggers programmed cell death in a human colon cancer cell line.
48. GSE, red wine, and especially diosmin inhibit pulmonary metastatic melanoma.
49. Grape seed proanthocyanidin (GSP) enhances the anticancer effect of interferon on T24 human bladder carcinoma cells.
50. Grape seed proanthocyanidin extract may serve as a potential therapeutic tool in promoting cardiovascular health via a number of novel mechanisms.
51. Grape seed proanthocyanidins promote programmed cell death in human epidermoid carcinoma.
52. Grape seed proanthocyanidins promote proliferation of hair follicle cells.
53. Oligomeric proanthocyanidins from GSE inhibit human glioma in vitro.
54. Oligomeric proanthocyanidins, as found in grape seed and pine bark has anti-proliferative and apoptotic effects on prostate cancer cell lines.
55. Oligomeric proanthocyanidins from Red Wine and Grape Seeds inhibit androgen-dependant breast cancer tumors by reducing estrogen formation.
56. Six dietary constituents, curcumin, garlic, GSE, tea, Vitamin C, and vitamin E, inhibit nicotine-DNA adduct formation.
57. Skin aging can be decelerated with a nutrient complex containing soy, tomato, grape seed, and white tea extracts, and sodium ascorbate (vitamin C), tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), zinc, and Biomarine complex.*