Thursday, October 20, 2016
ClariSpray™ Nasal Allergy Spray
I have bad allergies and I refuse to let them dictate my life. I refuse to let allergies keep me indoors when outside the weather is perfectly awesome. When the ragweed starts growing and blooming, my sinuses start really clogging up my nose, my throat hurts from nasal drip, and my ear hurts from drainage making it hard to hear. So after seeing the doctor, I was prescribed a nasal spray to help. Then I had a chance to try Clarispray. I’ve been using the ClariSpray Nasal Allergy Spray for the month now. I can breathe all day long. It has actually helped me feel normal again and has gotten rid of that stuffy, itchy nose and constant sneezing. This product contains fluticasone propionate which is the top ingredient in the allergy medicine today. This spray works miracles!!! I use this all the time now two to three squirts of this up my nose, then BOOM! I can breathe again, through BOTH nostrils. I highly recommend this to any individuals with a stuffy nose. Allergies are nothing but a thing when you have a nasal spray, that works. I love it. I got to test it free through BzzAgent by receiving a sample and coupons.