Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Energy Smart Automatic Dishwasher Detergent Gel

I received a bottle of Seventh Generation Energy Smart automatic dishwasher 
detergent free for review purposes. This detergent has completely 
changed my opinion about washing dishes in the dishwasher! 
Let me tell you why. 1) This is a safe formula for my family to 
use as it is a plant based formula with no harsh chemicals. 2) I
 hated using the dishwasher, feeling like it never truly cleaned my dishes. 
So I always had to rewash. After using this detergent, it cleans my dishes
 where they are honestly shining !!! No food left on any dish!! Cleaned 
milk from bottles. 3) also, my dishwasher is now clean! A little plus! 4) 
& it saves $20 a year using hot or cold water! Switching my detergent for
good!! Would recommend to anyone!